The mission of the church has always been the faithful preservation of the means of grace to edify the church and to proclaim the Gospel to the world. Our work centers on people, speaking with them, preaching to them, teaching them, and having mercy for them. We invite you to partner with us in this work. Click on a project that interests you. Learn more about it from the stories and updates. And then partner with us through your prayers and financial support.

Project: Cuba Mission

The LCMS first established itself on the Isle of Pines, known today as the Isle of Youth, 31 miles south of the Cuban mainland, in 1911. Current theological projects are aimed at shoring up and encouraging the existing pastorate while also seeking others who desire a theological education.

Project: Sri Lanka Mission

The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod’s (LCMS) church body partner in Sri Lanka, the Ceylon Evangelical Lutheran Church (CELC), needs funding to support, maintain and grow its ministry presence in this South Asian island nation of mostly Buddhists and Hindus. There are currently some 15 worshiping Lutheran congregations and mission stations with more than 600 members. Four ordained pastors and five evangelists serve this faith community through preaching, teaching and outreach. Lutheran churches and mission stations are located around the island. The CELC longs to reach more people with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Project: Seminary Symposium

Concordia the Reformer Seminary and Mercy Center (CMSCR) in the Dominican Republic boasts a rigorous course of study with a practical, church-planting emphasis. Her international influence is perhaps most evident in the only theological symposium tailored to the needs of Spanish-speaking Lutheran theologians worldwide.

Sandra Rhein is charged with implementing hymnal projects internationally

Sacred Music Missionary

Sandra Rhein is charged with implementing hymnal projects internationally and designing ways to help people utilize those hymnals. She is currently working on projects in Indonesia and China/Taiwan.