Project: LCU Seminary – Magamaga
To address the emergent need for shepherd pastors to tend growing flocks, The Lutheran Church of Uganda began a seminary in 2016.
The mission of the church has always been the faithful preservation of the means of grace to edify the church and to proclaim the Gospel to the world. Our work centers on people, speaking with them, preaching to them, teaching them, and having mercy for them. We invite you to partner with us in this work. Click on a project that interests you. Learn more about it from the stories and updates. And then partner with us through your prayers and financial support.
To address the emergent need for shepherd pastors to tend growing flocks, The Lutheran Church of Uganda began a seminary in 2016.
LTS fills an important niche in preparing men for ministry all through Africa.
The Lord has used these volunteer consultants to help congregations avoid crop diseases, increase harvests, teach stewardship, and demonstrate Christ’s love.
The scholarships and seminary support from this project provide Lutheran pastors for church bodies that lack resources for training pastors at residential seminaries.
The scholarships and seminary support from this project provide Lutheran pastors for church bodies that lack resources for training pastors at residential seminaries.
There is a need for trained Lutheran pastors to reach the lost throughout Asia with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. This project provides scholarships for pastoral candidates to study at Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) partner seminaries and assists in the operating costs of these seminaries. In Asia, seven church bodies in different countries partner with the LCMS through eight seminaries to provide theological education for future pastors. In many cases, these students are from the countryside and attend seminaries far from their homes, with the intent of returning to share the Gospel with those in their remote areas.
Support is needed to provide theological conferences for Lutheran pastors and church leaders in Asia. Gathering to meet face-to-face emphasizes common Lutheran teachings, while strengthening the faith of the attendees and building new relationships with other Lutherans across 12 different countries in Asia. Seven of the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) partner church bodies in Asia provide theological training through eight seminaries, yet most lack the resources to bring together pastors and church leaders regularly. Congregations often struggle simply to pay the pastor a salary, much l
Lutheran pastors, church leaders, and laity in Asia desire to know, teach and share the Gospel of Jesus Christ. To do this, they need resources such as evangelistic tracts, seminary materials, videos, audio recordings, and online texts (including e-books) in their local languages. These projects provide publications that share the Gospel of salvation—that for the sake of Christ, by grace, through faith, we are forgiven children of God. But so many Christians in Asia are not clear about why and how they are saved and are even uncertain if they will go to heaven or not.
Luke 6:36 reads, “Be merciful, even as your Father is merciful.” Showing mercy is part of our identity as Christians. Therefore, it makes sense that Lutherans in the Latin America & Caribbean region would intentionally focus on showing mercy in close proximity to the preaching of the Gospel and the planting of Lutheran churches.
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