Mission and Ministry work in Asia

Reaching Those Affected by the Pandemic in Cambodia

Eight Lutheran organizations partnered with the Cambodia Lutheran Church (CLC) to provide community members suffering economic hardship brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic with basic material goods in the name of Jesus.

The Call of Papua New Guinea

The Rev. Ronald Rall and his wife Mary Anne served as LCMS missionaries in Papua New Guinea (PNG) from 1973–1981. After returning to the U.S. they continued mission trips to PNG. In 2018, the LCMS Office of International Mission called the Rev. Rall to teach part time at a seminary in PNG.

Sandra Rhein is charged with implementing hymnal projects internationally

Sacred Music Missionary

Sandra Rhein is charged with implementing hymnal projects internationally and designing ways to help people utilize those hymnals. She is currently working on projects in Indonesia and China/Taiwan.

Life as a Missionary in South Korea

The Rev. Dr. John (Hans) Trinklein shares his experiences of living and serving as a professor at a Lutheran seminary near Seoul, South Korea.

Mercy Manager of Asia

Praise the Lord for the commitment of the Cima family and for those they serve.