PODCAST: Repenting of Violence in PNG

An interview with Anton Lutz

In recent history, Papua New Guinea declared a National Day of Repentance. As Luther noted, the entire Christian life is one of repentance. This year, LCMS Missionaries in Papua New Guinea are speaking out against Sanguma or accusation-based violence against women and children in PNG. LCMS Missionary to PNG, Anton Lutz, joins us to talk about it. 

If you would like to learn more about this work, contact Anton Lutz directly at anton.lutz@lcms.org. You can learn more about Anton and support his workat the LCMS website. 

If you want to support the Sanguma project, please contact the LCMS Mission Advancement office by email or call 888-930-4438.

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Roy S. Askins

The Rev. Roy S. Askins now serves as managing editor for The Lutheran Witness the official publication of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod.