The Healing Medicine of God

Pastors and seminary students throughout the Latin America and Caribbean Region (LAC) are receiving a treat today in the form of a new Spanish translation of Good News magazine: The Healing Medicine of God for You. Distributed electronically by the VMDA Project, this magazine comes close on the heels of Your Good Shepherd, another new Spanish issue of Good News sent out earlier in September.

New Pastor for Guatemala

Rudy Carbajal was ordained and installed at Cristo Rey (Christ the King) Lutheran Church in Guatemala City, Guatemala on Sunday September 26, 2021. Pastor David Rodriguez, Senior Pastor at Cristo Rey led the liturgy; Pastor Byron Paz, Vice President and Director of CLET program for the Lutheran Church in Guatemala certified Rudy’s completion of requirements for ordination and preached at the service; Pastor Ignacio Chan, president of the Lutheran Church in Guatemala ordained and installed Carbajal at Cristo Rey; Pastor Herb Burch, Area Facilitator for Guatemala, represented the Latin American and Caribbean Region of the Lutheran Church, Missouri Synod.

A Double Blessing

Today Deaconess Cheryl Naumann, Director of the VDMA Project, announced the publication of Spanish translations for two more volumes of the Confessional Lutheran Dogmatics Series: The Lord’s Supper by Dr. John Stephenson and Law and Gospel and the Means of Grace by Dr. David Scaer.

Dominican Republic provides “Hub” for annual deaconess conference

Eager to celebrate the 40th anniversary of Concordia Deaconess Conference (CDC) – which should have taken place in 2020 – CDC members and guests “met” together through an ingenious combination of individual participation and group “hubs.” Initiated due to varying Covid 19 pandemic restrictions, the Zoom (internet based) conference was attended by 160 people.

Parade Gardens Lutheran School News

We are grateful to God for his protection and guidance through the last school year at Parade Gardens Lutheran School (PGLS) in Kingston, Jamaica. Just before the close of the last term, the school organized a sports day event in which the children participated in many races and won several awards and prizes. Now we look forward to God’s blessing for the new term that began on April 12 and will continue into early July.

Christ for All!

"Christ for all! That is how we can define the Alliance Project. From February 28 to March 14, 2021, on a trip to the Dominican Republic, I had the great opportunity to accompany eight IELB pastors and their families in language, culture and mission training. What a challenge! What learning! More than a special moment, as the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Brazil (IELB) and The Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod (LCMS) joined forces in this project to bring the love of Jesus to different peoples and cultures.

Read more about the article Project: Sri Lanka Mission
Children listen as vicar M. Anton Raj reads Psalm 121 to his tea plantation congregation at a preaching station in Kandapola, a village of Nuwara Eliya in the Central Province of Sri Lanka, on Saturday, March 19, 2016. LCMS Communications/Erik M. Lunsford

Project: Sri Lanka Mission

The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod’s (LCMS) church body partner in Sri Lanka, the Ceylon Evangelical Lutheran Church (CELC), needs funding to support, maintain and grow its ministry presence in this South Asian island nation of mostly Buddhists and Hindus. There are currently some 15 worshiping Lutheran congregations and mission stations with more than 600 members. Four ordained pastors and five evangelists serve this faith community through preaching, teaching and outreach. Lutheran churches and mission stations are located around the island. The CELC longs to reach more people with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.