During the 1950s, The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) first sent missionaries to Taiwan. One of their priorities was to establish a theological seminary with instruction in Mandarin Chinese for Taiwanese nationals. A site was selected in the central region of the island, and Concordia Seminary in Chiayi was founded. That was nearly 70 years ago, and today LCMS missionaries are actively supporting the founding of a new seminary with our partner synod in Taiwan, the China Evangelical Lutheran Church (CELC).
Since the first Lutheran seminary opened, church leaders have utilized various methods of theological education. The CELC has also faced many challenges. But by God’s grace, the church body is being revitalized by God’s Word, and the CELC is anxious to begin operating its own seminary once again with biblically sound theological education.
As planning for the new CELC seminary gains momentum, the LCMS mission team in Taiwan, led by Asia Regional Director Rev. Charles Ferry, continues to be a key partner in the process. The CELC looks exclusively to the LCMS — including her two stateside seminaries — to provide the substantial outside theological teaching and resources required to reach the eventual goal: a fully residential seminary on the same site in Chiayi as the original Concordia Seminary. Lord willing, the seminary will eventually serve not only the needs in Taiwan, but also Chinese Lutheran theological needs worldwide and the needs of other Lutheran synods in Asia.