Castillo Fuerte, a Lutheran mercy house in La Victoria, Peru, normally provides lunch and an after-school program, with Bible lessons, crafts, games, and homework assistance for neighborhood children. This program is important, as parents often work from early morning to late at night, just to provide for their children.
In July, volunteers, Christa Wesley and Libna Destin from Martin Luther Chapel in Pennsauken, New Jersey, traveled to Peru. Their goal was to enhance the normal routine of the children with a week long music camp. During the camp the children had opportunity to experiment with, practice and learn to play rhythm instruments, handbells and recorders, brought by the volunteers.
Following the week of practice, the children demonstrated what they learned by accompanying hymns during the Divine Service. Parents, some of whom did not attend the church, were present with their children for the Saturday evening service, and shared in the potluck meal that followed.
One young boy, with a particular interest in learning the recorder could be heard practicing “Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee” until late into the night, all week long. We pray that joyful practice and desire to provide music for worship will continue, and we thank God for the opportunity provided by Christa and Libna, for these little ones.