Serving the Sanak in Indonesia

The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) has worked in Indonesia for a number of years with the Indonesian Christian Lutheran Church (GKLI). Over the last year, the Rev. Anton Ben Gurion Hutagalung and the congregation he serves in Kuamang Kuning has reached out to help a “sanak” tribe in Indonesia. 

This work was featured during the LCMS national convention in July. As a follow up to the video, this photo gallery features pictures from some of the work being done by the Kuamang Kuning congregation of the GKLI. 

The first gallery shows pictures from the Kuamang Kuning congregation and some of the sanak people they help. 

Here is where the sanak people live; the term “sanak” means “the people who live in the jungle. 

Roy S. Askins

The Rev. Roy S. Askins now serves as managing editor for The Lutheran Witness the official publication of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod.