Honduras History

The Lutheran Church Canada (LCC)and seminary of the Lutheran Church Synod of Nicaragua (ILSN) started work in Honduras in 2006.

Project: Concordia the Reformer Seminary

Since the opening of Concordia the Reformer Seminary in the Dominican Republic in 2017, the institution has focused on preparing men to be shepherds, teachers and evangelists. In just a few short years, numerous well-trained theologians have graduated and are pastoring congregations across Latin America and the Caribbean. Some 50 men currently attend residential and online pastoral formation classes. The deaconess program has produced nearly 100 graduates, with 70 more women enrolled. In addition, online pre-seminary courses are new this year, and plans are for a Lutheran teacher training program to be rolled out during the next academic year.

Project: Venezuela Mission

The Venezuelan Lutheran Church faces many challenges due to the ongoing socio-political crisis. Millions have migrated to other countries, including well-educated and professional Lutherans. Nevertheless, the Church remains a bulwark to encourage those who stay and struggle to feed, clothe, educate and care for their families. Through Juan de Frias Bible institute and Concordia the Reformer Seminary in the Dominican Republic, the Church forms new pastors and church workers.

Project: VDMA-Translation Team

VDMA is a Latin acronym that translates, “The Word of the Lord endures forever.” During the Reformation, this motto united Lutherans in solidarity against their adversaries. Five hundred years later, the VDMA Project unites a different group of Lutherans: Spanish-speaking pastors and seminary students throughout Latin America and the Caribbean.

Project: Uruguay Mission

LCMS efforts in Uruguay, known as South America's most atheistic nation, began among German and Slovenian immigrants in the 1930s. Current efforts are a mix of urban, rural, and school ministries by a team of two church- planting missionary pastors and a teacher working with a local parish pastor and a Brazilian school chaplain.

Project: Spain Mission

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With the 500th Anniversary of Luther’s posting of the 95 Theses, the Lutheran Mission in Spain pursues a unique second chance to bring the truth, freedom and joy of the pure Gospel to Spain, five centuries after the first Lutheran Reformation in Spain was snuffed out by the Spanish Inquisition.