Community Outreach in Balboa, Panama

Story By Jana Inglehart
Photos by Zoe Rickman, daughter of Missionary Pastor Arthur and Deaconess Eva Rickman, except where otherwise noted

The members of Redeemer Lutheran Church in Balboa, Panama, held an eyeglass clinic on Sunday, October 13th, as an outreach to the community. A great team from Redeemer Lutheran Church in Iowa City, Iowa (a stalwart FORO partner), in conjunction with MOST Ministries, traveled to the area to provide their expertise.

The Rev. Dr. Arthur Rickman and his wife, Deaconess Eva, visit with eyeglass clinic attendees as they enter the sanctuary

When all was said and done, they served 145 people from the community and provided 220 eyeglasses. It was a fantastic opportunity to show God’s mercy to those in need, share the Gospel and pray with them. In addition, each attendee was invited to return for worship services, Bible studies or pastoral care.

Clinic attendees were greeted by the Rickmans and church members

Members of Redeemer Lutheran Church in Iowa City, Iowa ready for worship in Panama (Photographer: Yazmina Pérez)

On the Sunday of the clinic, the church was filled with 120 worshipers. We offer our prayers of thanksgiving to God for the opportunity to provide for the physical and spiritual needs of the local community. We also give thanks for the dedicated team from Iowa and their ongoing and stellar support of the mission work in Panama.

Jana Inglehart

Jana Inglehart serves the Lord through The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) as the Regional Communication Specialist for the Latin America and Caribbean region, based in the Dominican Republic.