Mercy and Gospel in Belize

Story and photos by LCMS Missionary Justin Logston, a communications specialist in Belize.
Above photo: New sunglasses!

On Saturday and Sunday, October 1 and 2, the LCMS Belize Mission group was blessed to host and help a six-person team from the Belize Mission Society (St. Louis) with a two-day eyeglass clinic at El Buen Pastor Lutheran Church in Valley of Peace, Belize. The clinic was a wonderful community outreach event. More than 160 people came to the church to receive a basic eye examination, glasses for distance or reading (depending on their needs), sunglasses for those working outside, and spirit-filled conversations.

After his eye exam, this attendee is trying on some glasses to see how they look

Valley of Peace is a small, blue-collar community with many residents unable to receive professional eye care. Thanks to generous donations, we were able to distribute the glasses free of charge! Pastors Benjamin Flores and Micah Wildauer greeted and conversed with the residents as they waited, extending God’s love and grace to all. Flyers about the clinic had been displayed at key locations around Valley of Peace, including the gas station and a handful of small, home-based restaurants.

Jana Inglehart

Jana Inglehart serves the Lord through The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) as the Regional Communication Specialist for the Latin America and Caribbean region, based in the Dominican Republic.