Project ID: PR0001-66400
LCMS efforts in Puerto Rico began with the work of the Ohio District in the 1990s. Following the hurricanes in 2017, LCMS Disaster Response has provided critical support for the missions and outreach efforts with each successive disaster.
Four church-planting pastors and a vicar work with an energetic young missionary team to grow current congregations in Mayagüez, Ponce and San Juan. In Mayagüez and Ponce, each congregation operates a mercy house where members and missionaries do extensive community outreach. In 2022, the mercy houses installed solar panels to meet the need for consistent electricity during regular power outages. They offer a gathering place to charge devices and find respite from the heat. Our missionaries use the opportunities to build relationships and share the Good News. In addition, worship services and regular outreach classes, such as English and music classes, continue on a regular basis.
The rapidly growing mission in San Juan dedicated a permanent building for their congregation in late 2024. We pray for this young team of missionaries as they work to spread the Gospel across the country. We pray the congregations will continue to grow and develop into an independent church body.

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The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod Mission Advancement
P.O. Box 66861
St. Louis, MO 63166-6861
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