PODCAST: The Move Part 2 with Aimee Cima

  • Post category:Asia / Partners
Aimee Cima talks about their move to Cambodia.

A few weeks ago, the Rev. JP Cima joined the podcast to discuss their recent move to Cambodia. Today, his wife, Aimee Cima, joined us to talk about the same. 

In particular, Aimee shared a story about how she talked about the cross of Christ as they were setting up their home. She also talked about the great joy they have in joining with Lutherans in Cambodia and receiving our Lord’s gifts in the Divine Service. 

You can learn more about the Cimas and their work in a number of different places. They maintain a blog; send an email to either Rev. JP Cima or to Aimee to ask them questions or sign up for their email newsletter. 

Finally, you can learn more about the Cimas at the LCMS website and support their work directly

Also remember to check out the new international website to learn more about the work of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod around the world. 

If you have any questions about work in Asia, email me, your host, and I’ll do my best to answer. In the meantime, my work with this podcast is entirely supported by donors like you. Please considering supporting this podcast by joining our support network.

A quick thank you to Paul Norris and Sarah Frank for the music today. This recording of “Abide With Me” was played by Paul Norris and Sarah Frank. Paul produced the recording.

Thank you for listening. If you haven’t yet, take a moment to subscribe to the podcast on iTunes.

Roy S. Askins

The Rev. Roy S. Askins now serves as managing editor for The Lutheran Witness the official publication of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod.