Concordia the Reformer Seminary in the Dominican Republic Celebrates Milestone

Concordia the Reformer Mercy Center and Seminary has been a busy place over the past weeks, with several large, back-to-back events occurring during the latter part of May.
For the second time in as many years, pastors, church workers, deaconesses, and others from across Latin America gathered fora theological symposium in Santiago, Dominican Republic.
Over seventy theologians from nineteen countries were in attendance, including first-time representatives from Cuba, Peru and Costa Rica, as well as guests from thirteen LCMS partner churches. Other noteworthy participants were dignitaries from The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod International Center, from Concordia Theological Seminary Fort Wayne and Concordia Seminary St. Louis.
The standing room only event saw theological presentations by professors and pastors, which centered around the theme, The Consolation of God’s People in the Midst of Suffering. An interactive workshop entitled Go and Be Reconciled, hosted by the Mercy Center and presented by Ambassadors of Reconciliation, took place on the last day of the Symposium.
Wrapping up the week of events, the guests moved to an outdoor venue, a large tent adjacent to the seminary, to attend the worship service for the first graduating class of Concordia Seminary the Reformer. Eight dedicated men from four countries, Bolivia, Venezuela, Dominican Republic and Mexico, received their diplomas, the evidence of years of hard work, study and dedication.Though the rain was steady throughout the evening, it had no effect on the smiles, hugs, congratulations and tears of joy on the faces of the graduates, the professors, the families and special guests. Thanks be to God for Concordia the Reformer Mercy Center and Seminary, the professors, the students and this first graduating class.