On March 30th, Matongo Lutheran Theological College at Neema Lutheran College held a graduation ceremony. Students celebrated as they received their diplomas and certificates. Four students with diplomas and certificates in theology graduated along with five others who received certificates in diakonia.
The celebration brought together the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Kenya’s (ELCK) acting archbishop and general secretary, representatives from the LCMS Nairobi office, as well as representatives from the county and national government office, other dignitaries, guests and family members. The celebrations included cultural performances with dances, songs and poems by students.
The acting Archbishop Joseph Ochola thanked God for being with the graduates during their academic journeys. He also thanked all of those who supported the students and the institution. He urged the graduates to be positive as they embark on a new journey and life after school.

“Graduation means that a task has been accomplished and a new life begins. We welcome you into the field where you will be serving. You’ll be given tasks to accomplish, and you’ll have to make decisions,” said Ochola.
Two of the LCMS sponsored students were among the graduates. Okach Omot Opiew, a refugee from Ethiopia, graduated with a diploma in theology and Miriam Isaya Kimath from Tanzania, graduated with a certificate in diakonia.
Miriam Kimath Okach Opiew with his family and LCMS Missionaries Shara Osiro and Rev. Tom Aadland
Story by Cynthia Awour – Receptionist for the LCMS East Africa Field Office