Project: Honduras Mission

Project ID: HN0001-65006 

Born of the Lutheran Church of Canada’s mission in Nicaragua, LCMS and Nicaraguan missionaries ventured into Honduras 20 years ago and began evangelism efforts in Southern and Central Honduras. Congregations in the U.S. began to support and visit the missions and formed a FORO to coordinate the mission efforts. 

Today, the Honduras Mission consists of three mission congregations, two of which are served by pastors from the Lutheran Church of Nicaragua. Pastor Junior Martinez leads Mighty Fortress Lutheran Church in La Paz. He and his family have been there for eight years and welcome members and frequent visitors to their campus. Pastor German Espinoza serves two congregations in northern Nicaragua and visits the mission congregation “Jesus the Redeemer” in Choluteca, Honduras, a large metropolitan city. Lay leader and Honduran Alberto Osegura, along with members of Good Shepherd Lutheran Church in Comayagüela, lead outreach to their community through children’s activities, Bible classes and Christian teaching as sponsored by LCMS RSO LeadaChild. Another LCMS RSO, MOST Ministries, has supported the churches through eyeglass clinics.

A “retired” LCMS missionary pastor and his wife bring deaconess and deacon training to the country and fortify the mission. Through team efforts and in coordination with the Honduras FORO, Latin American Caribbean Region, LCMS, and partner LCMS congregations, the Honduras mission shows great potential for growth as they share the Gospel, continue to plant Lutheran Churches and show mercy.

Honduras Mission

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Memo line: HN0001-65006

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The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod Mission Advancement
P.O. Box 66861
St. Louis, MO 63166-6861

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Jana Inglehart

Jana Inglehart serves the Lord through The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) as the Regional Communication Specialist for the Latin America and Caribbean region, based in the Dominican Republic.