November has been a time for goodbyes at the LTS in South Africa. Rev. Dr. Carlos Winterle has retired as rector of the LTS and he and his wife will be returning to Brazil. He served as a missionary through the Igreja Evangelica Luterana do Brasil – IELB, spending fourteen years in Africa in Kenya and South Africa. Rev. Winterle has also been heavily involved with missions and theological education in Mozambique. As Rev. Winterle says goodbye, Dr. Heinz Hiestermann will take up this new task as rector of the LTS.

On November 19th, ten students graduated from the LTS; students came from DRC, South Africa, Sudan, Uganda, and Zambia. They received a certificate of completion of the LTS Theological Course. This certificate will enable them to proceed with their vicarage/internship. After this, their churches will decide about ordination.
Rev. Winterle delivered the sermon focusing on the theme of GOOD-BYE. He shared Paul’s advice to the church in Corinth through his final greetings from 2 Corinthians 13:11 — “Finally, brothers, rejoice. Aim for restoration, comfort one another, agree with one another, live in peace; and the God of love and peace will be with you.”

“GOOD-BYE, listen to my appeal” Read the Bible every day and listen to its appeals. As you graduate today, it doesn’t mean that you know everything about the Bible. You have to read and read, and read again. Through the Word of God, as you listen to its appeal, the Holy Spirit will guide you in your life and in the decisions, you will have to make. Do not try to work by yourselves, as independent pastors. You are part of the Holy Christian Church, and you have a church body or synod behind you. — Rev. Dr. Carlos Winterle
“GOOD-BYE: Be of one mind” We have candidates representing different church bodies. Still, you are all Lutherans. But you know that there are differences between the different church bodies. How then can we “be of one mind”? The Holy Bible is always the source to look for unity. Influences of the society around us have changed the sound doctrine that Luther rediscovered from the Bible – Sola Scriptura. You have learned at the Seminary the truth, as this is a confessional Lutheran Seminary. It will depend on your attitude toward what you have learned and the reality you will face in your ministry. But always try “to be of one mind”. — Rev. Dr. Carlos Winterle