English instruction and Christian education have been key components in the work of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) in Asia for some time. Today, Joanna Johnson discusses the opportunities she had to share her faith as an English teacher at Concordia Middle School.
Concordia Middle School is always looking for teachers. As Joanna encouraged at the end of the podcast, if you’re interested in teaching here, please consider the opportunity. It comes with hard times, but the opportunities to share the Gospel are numerous, as she discussed.
If you want to learn more about what Joanna is doing, send her an email. You can also follow her on Facebook. Please note that, as discussed in the podcast, the title might be changing soon.
If you want to support Joanna and the work she is doing, visit the LCMS website for more information and a giving link.
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Send me, your host, an email and let me know if you have any questions. I’m especially encouraging former missionaries to send in questions about your field of service. I’ll compile the questions, do some research, and answer these all on one large podcast. I look forward to hearing from you.