Support ID: ALA005
Venezuelan Pastor Sergio Maita is a church planter and seminary professor in the Dominican Republic. He serves a mission in Santo Domingo that began in 2018 with just himself and his family. His gift of teaching and love for the people has resulted in the rapid growth of the congregation, a blended group of Venezuelan and Dominican members. In addition, he serves a new mission in Los Mina, an adjoining community Santo Domingo.
Maita completed a business degree in 2010, followed by a 3-year residential program at Juan de Frías Theological Institute in Caracas. He graduated and accepted his first call as a pastor/professor at Juan de Frías in 2008. In 2015, Pastor Sergio received a Divine Call from the Venezuelan Lutheran Church to serve as an Alliance Missionary to the Dominican Republic. In addition to all his duties, he completed a Sacred Theology Masters (STM) degree from Concordia Theological Seminary Ft. Wayne, Indiana, in 2018.
Rev. Maita is married to Yoxandris, a dentist by profession. The couple has three young children. Pastor Sergio enjoys spending time with family, bicycling, and studying theology.

Alliance Missionary Maita
Checks should be made out to: LCMS
Memo line: ALA005
Mail to:
The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod Mission Advancement
P.O. Box 66861
St. Louis, MO 63166-6861

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