A Double Blessing

Above photo: VDMA Books by Johanna Heidorn

Story by Deaconess Cheryl D. Naumann, VDMA Project Director

Today Deaconess Cheryl Naumann, Director of the VDMA Project, announced the publication of Spanish translations for two more volumes of the Confessional Lutheran Dogmatics Series: The Lord’s Supper by Dr. John Stephenson and Law and Gospel and the Means of Grace by Dr. David Scaer.

These books represent a substantial contribution to the Spanish resources available for LCMS missions, partner Lutheran churches, and seminary students throughout the Latin America and Caribbean (LAC) region. We are grateful to Luther Academy for allowing the VDMA Project to translate and distribute these valuable resources via eBook to VDMA account holders, and to print copies for seminary and university libraries, as well as for use in Luther Academy conferences across the region.

Jana Inglehart

Jana Inglehart serves the Lord through The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) as the Regional Communication Specialist for the Latin America and Caribbean region, based in the Dominican Republic.