Diaconal formation continued in Panama September 28-29, as the ladies continued with their second course in the Deaconess Program, The Divine Service and the Life of the Church. A dozen ladies were in attendance from two congregations.
Rev. Arthur Rickman, Area Facilitator for the LCMS Office of International Mission in the Latin America and Caribbean Region, began the course with the first unit introducing the Divine Service. Rev. Alejandro Lopez, Pastor of Emmanuel Lutheran Church in Sora, where half of the students attend, served as a guest professor and taught two units on the Lutheran Liturgy. Pastor Lopez, originally from Chile, has been serving in Panama for about three years.
Missionary Pastors Brian Gauthier and Arthur Rickman, along with Deaconess Eva Rickman will finish teaching the remaining units of this course over the next several weeks.
One of the students shared that it is incredible how much they have been able to learn in these classes. Over the next two years, the ladies will finish their course work and gain more practical experience through field work. Please continue to pray for them as they study and learn to serve the people in Panama.

Author Deaconess Eva Rickman assists with deaconess formation. Additionally, she encourages and supports the mercy work that is happening throughout this region. Before returning to Latin America, Arthur and Eva served in Asia, based in Hong Kong.