PODCAST: On Marrying a Prostitute: A Study in Hosea

Pastor Cima discusses teaching the Book of Hosea to students in Cambodia.

The Rev. J.P. Cima, a missionary and theological educator for The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) in Cambodia, joined the podcast again to talk about teaching the book of Hosea to students in Cambodia. 

He provides a quick summary of the book and then digs deeply into two particular aspects of Hosea, namely the metaphor of God as a lion and God’s command to Hosea to marry a promiscuous woman. Cima discussed this surprising command of God and how the Cambodians received this teaching. 

This book sitting at the beginning of the minor prophets provides plenty of surprising twists and incredible depth. We only touched on a couple of these points, and Cima did a great job of explaining how he expressed this to the Cambodians. 

Enjoy the podcast. If you would like to support the Cima family, please visit the LCMS website. You can also learn more about their work by visiting their website as well.

As always, please email me with any comments or questions you might have. I look forward to your questions and comments. 

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Roy S. Askins

The Rev. Roy S. Askins now serves as managing editor for The Lutheran Witness the official publication of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod.