2021 Deaconess Program Kicks Off

Above photo: Professor Sergio Fritzler teaches a deaconess class in the Dominican Republic
Photo by Johanna Heidorn

Concordia the Reformer Seminary launched her Deaconess Program for 2021 on January 14th, with an eight-week intensive course entitled The Catechism – Disciples for Life: Instruction in the Christian Life from Martin Luther’s Small Catechism. Over 100 women from the Dominican Republic, Guatemala, Mexico, Panama, and Venezuela, signed up for the online offering, with Deaconess Caitlin Ramirez and Rev. Sergio Fritzler serving as the professors.

Above photos: Johanna Heidorn

The participants received materials, such as a course syllabus, lesson manual, and videos, electronically. Course requirements are as follows:

  • Online lectures for the entire group, taught by Professors Ramirez and Fritzler
  • Weekly 90-minute teaching/discussion sessions for each country, led by a mentor pastor and a deaconess. These weekly sessions include practical application of the lesson.
  • Weekly reading, writing, and video assignments
  • Memorization of the ten commandments
  • Electronic Exams
  • Each student is required to prepare a Sunday school lesson for children as a final project. Using the Bible and Luther’s Small Catechism they focus on a specific doctrine. One example of this would be tying in Holy Baptism when telling the story of Noah’s Ark.

Deaconess students from across Latin America

The deaconess students are Lutherans who are confirmed and active members in their respective congregations who are excited to increase their understanding of the Bible and Christian doctrine. We celebrate their zeal for learning and their desire to reach out in their churches and communities with acts of mercy. Through their acts of mercy, they have the opportunity to bring the clear Gospel message to those in need.

Jana Inglehart

Jana Inglehart serves the Lord through The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) as the Regional Communication Specialist for the Latin America and Caribbean region, based in the Dominican Republic.