Project ID: UY0001-66001
LCMS efforts in Uruguay, known as South America’s most atheistic nation, began among German and Slovenian immigrants in the 1930s. Current team efforts consist of Alliance Missionary Maicon Schieferdecker who works with a local parish pastor and a Brazilian school chaplain. The Lutheran landscape is a mix of urban, rural, and school ministries.
Nearby St. Paul Lutheran School is a mission opportunity with its 1000+ enrollment. All grade levels benefit from a Lutheran chaplain and receive catechism instruction.
Worship facilities were dedicated in 2022 in Salto, Uruguay’s second-largest city, and in Chapicuy. Each site is home to a growing group of new Lutherans served by Pastor Schieferdecker. In addition, outreach is beginning in Paysandú in northern Uruguay.
We pray that the Lord will continue to bless the work in this challenging field.

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The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod Mission Advancement
P.O. Box 66861
St. Louis, MO 63166-6861
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