Time Out to Care for Pastors

Project ID:  LM0002-65013 

Quite a number of our Latin American Lutheran pastors serve two or three or more congregations at the same time. With the nearest pastor often living several hours away, opportunities for these men to be built up in the Word and to have fellowship time with other pastors are crucial. Luther Academy encourages these opportunities for our pastors.

Our Latin American Pastors need in-person fellowship. In the midst of the lockdowns, online meetings are the next best option.

In June, eleven pastors from the Lutheran Synod of Mexico gathered online with Rev. Carlos Schumann, Luther Academy Coordinator for the Latin America and Caribbean Region, to discuss the topic of Pastoral Care in the Midst of Doubt. Likewise, last Tuesday night, nine pastors from the Lutheran Church in Guatemala met to visit about the same topic. In addition to the theological discussion, each of these gatherings has sufficient time built in for conversation and light-hearted fellowship, which is indispensable, especially during this time of pandemic lockdowns.

Online gatherings provide opportunities for Bible study and fellowship

The next online gathering is planned for the Mexican pastors on July 24th. The topic will be different, but still related to some aspect of pastoral care or service.

Jana Inglehart

Jana Inglehart serves the Lord through The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) as the Regional Communication Specialist for the Latin America and Caribbean region, based in the Dominican Republic.