Above photo: Books for the VDMA Project (Photo: Heidorn)
Story by Deaconess Cheryl D. Naumann, VDMA Project Director
Today pastors and seminary students throughout the Latin America and Caribbean region received the eBook of Letters to Lutheran Pastors Volume 3 as a gift from the VDMA Project.
The translation into Spanish of this third and last volume of Hermann Sasse’s letters to pastors is a significant milestone for theological study in Latin America. It completes the collection of Sasse’s nearly thirty years of correspondence with Lutheran pastors in Australia, the United States, and around the world. Each letter reflects his passionate commitment to the building up of the Church of Christ on earth and to the Lutheran Confessions.

Sasse was a prominent figure in confessional Lutheranism by the time of World War I. He was a leading figure in the German ecumenical movement for years and untiringly advocated that real unity could only be the result of real doctrinal agreement. In his later years, Sasse believed that The Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod was the last hope for world confessional Lutheranism and dedicated his efforts to raising the Synod’s consciousness of its world significance.
With today’s eBook distribution, LAC pastors are blessed to have five Sasse books, including The Lonely Way Volumes 1 & 2 and Letters to Lutheran Pastors Volumes 1, 2, & 3, as resources for their work in preaching the Gospel, planting Lutheran church, and showing mercy.

The VDMA project is especially grateful to Pastor Martin and Albina Teigen, for their untiring dedication to the production of these five volumes, utilizing their exceptional skills in editing and translation to the glory of God and the benefit of His church. Thank you, Pastor and Albina!
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