Story by Rev. Herb Burch, Missionary Pastor and Area Facilitator
Above photo: Pastor Rudy Carbajal (by Johanna Heidorn)
Rudy Carbajal was ordained and installed at Cristo Rey (Christ the King) Lutheran Church in Guatemala City, Guatemala, on Sunday, September 26, 2021. Pastor David Rodriguez, the Senior Pastor at Cristo Rey, led the liturgy; Pastor Byron Paz, Vice President and Director of CLET program for the Lutheran Church in Guatemala, certified Rudy’s completion of requirements for ordination and preached at the service. Pastor Ignacio Chan, President of the Lutheran Church in Guatemala, ordained and installed Carbajal at Cristo Rey; Pastor Herb Burch, Area Facilitator for Guatemala, represented the Latin American and Caribbean Region of the Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod.
Rudy finished his formal theological studies at Concordia the Reformer Seminary in the Dominican Republic in May 2019 and subsequently served as vicar at Cristo Rey for over two years. Previous scheduled attempts for his ordination were complicated by the severity of the Covid pandemic in Guatemala, the death of Rudy’s father due to the pandemic, and changing rules for assembly. We rejoice at his ordination and wish him many years of service to the Lord.

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