Above photo: Seminarians enjoy theological books provided by the VDMA Project (Johanna Heidorn)
Story by Deaconess Cheryl D. Naumann, VDMA Project Director
Pastors and seminary students across the Latin America and Caribbean region have started the new year with two new eBooks provided by the VDMA Project. Both volumes contain study documents published by the LCMS Commission of Theology and Church Relations. The first book focuses on the Life of the Christian, while the second is about the Life of the Church.

These books are invaluable to our mission sites and LCMS partner churches as a resource for understanding the application of Scripture to day-to-day living; and as witnessing to the truth as individual Christians, congregations, and church bodies.
The VDMA Project is now in its 9th year. May God bless continue to bless the church and her workers through the Project’s resources in 2023!
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