“Religion that is pure and undefiled before God the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction and keep oneself unstained from the world.” (James 1:27)
The coronavirus pandemic continues to weigh heavily on the world. Unemployment around the globe is increasing and the world economies have been stressed like never before. In Africa, unlike other parts of the world, the number of those infected and those who have lost their lives is small in comparison. But the impact on communities faced with ongoing challenges like malnutrition, lack of good health care, poor access to clean drinking water, and now the struggle for food, makes the situation in Africa potentially volatile.
Kenya remains under curfew with lockdowns in four counties, Nairobi being one of them. Project 24’s director, site managers, deaconesses, pastors, and bishops of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Kenya remain faithful in supporting the program’s children who have been sent to live with their extended families by the government orders to close schools and institutions. April saw the first Project 24 distribution of food items to the children and their extended families. There were some challenges due to severe flooding across the country; roads were impassable regrettably causing some families to be unreachable.
Despite the challenges, our brothers and sisters in Christ from Project 24 are united in Christ, continuing to be His heart, hands and feet to many. This outreach has been a demonstration of Christ’s love, bringing hope and joy to the families and all the more so, the opportunity to continue sharing the Gospel across many communities.
Scripture is shared with the community
May marks a second food distribution to the children and their extended families as the schools and Project 24 facilities are still closed. Fears of the coronavirus are heightened as numbers increase in Kenya now affecting 34 of the 47 counties. People are afraid to go to the markets and food has been scarce in many areas. This food relief will allow the children to remain healthy at this uncertain time. We give thanks to God for His provision allowing care to be given to many families.