Bible Stories for the Children

Photos: Missionary Photographer Johanna Heidorn

Lutherans in the Dominican Republic are excited and grateful for the recent shipment of books from the Lutheran Heritage Foundation (LHF).

Missionary Agatha Elberhardt spent time reading Bible stories to the children

In cooperation with the Bible Society of Brazil and the Bible Society of the Dominican Republic, LHF just sent over 2000 books to the Caribbean country for distribution to Lutheran missions nationwide. Here is the breakdown:

  • 1,000 hardcover copies of the Spanish Bible with Small Catechism
  • 700 hardcover copies of A Child’s Garden of Bible Stories in Spanish
  • 480 softcover Spanish Small Catechisms

Missionaries from across the country joined hands with local church members and friends to unload and store the dozens of boxes. Children at Iglesia Luterana Amigos de Cristo (Friends of Christ Lutheran Church) were some of the first to enjoy the books. As cartons of the Spanish Child’s Garden of Bible Stories were opened, the little ones begged Agatha Elberhardt to read to them. (Agatha is the wife of Alliance Missionary Pastor Lucas Elberhardt from Brazil) So, they sat down on the steps in front of the altar and began to pore over the beautiful Bible stories many of us have known since childhood. What an incredible gift! Thank you, LHF.

We pray that the Lord would continue to bless the efforts of the Lutheran Heritage Foundation and all who work to bring the message of Christ crucified for our salvation to the world.

Jana Inglehart

Jana Inglehart serves the Lord through The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) as the Regional Communication Specialist for the Latin America and Caribbean region, based in the Dominican Republic.