

The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod began work in Indonesia in 1995 with the Pelita Harapan (Light of Hope) Foundation.

In January 2005, the LCMS sent a survey team to Indonesia to assess the needs of the victims of the disastrous Dec. 26, 2004, tsunami. Support has continued for tsunami relief coordination, medical assistance, refurbishing schools and theological symposia. Current support includes earthquake, tsunami and volcano disaster response.

In 2012, the LCMS was contacted by the Indonesian Christian Lutheran Church (GKLI). The GKLI leadership was familiar with the LCMS reputation for faithful teaching and requested assistance in furthering the theological education of their pastors and lay leaders. The LCMS deployed personnel to Indonesia for this purpose in 2014, and they currently live in North Sumatra. The GKLI remains a steadfast emerging partner in Indonesia, continually requesting support in the form of teachers, workshops and Lutheran resources.


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