Alliance Missionary Raphael Voigt

Account ID:  ALA011

Rev. Raphael Voigt is a church-planting pastor in Los Andes, Panama. There, he teaches Bible classes, leads worship services and finds creative ways to reach the local community. Pastor Voigt works with two local deaconesses to provide painting classes for children and adults in the community. Each class includes a devotion or Bible lesson. He also provides music lessons, visits elementary schools, orphanages and hospitals, and makes inroads into the community, sharing the Gospel wherever he goes.

Pastor Raphael grew up in Brazil and worked as a computer programmer and systems analyst. He began volunteering with his church’s youth and soon held a regional leadership role. A pastor encouraged him to begin seminary studies, where he was exposed to hospital visits, drug rehab center chaplaincy, and children’s music ministry. In 2021, the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Brazil called Rev. Voigt to serve as an Alliance Missionary to Panama. His practical experience aids him in his role as a church planter and revitalizer in Los Andes.

Pastor Voigt enjoys soccer, biking, and motocross. He loves studying theology and has plans to earn an advanced theological degree in the future.

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Checks should be made out to: LCMS
Memo line: ALA011

Mail to:
The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod Mission Advancement
P.O. Box 66861
St. Louis, MO 63166-6861

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Jana Inglehart

Jana Inglehart serves the Lord through The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) as the Regional Communication Specialist for the Latin America and Caribbean region, based in the Dominican Republic.