Above photo: Alliance Missionary Pastor Sergio Maita offers comfort (Photo: Johanna Heidorn)
Story by Deaconess Cheryl D. Naumann, VDMA Project Director
Generational building for the present and the future, providing resources for sound spiritual growth and teaching; still filling gaps in pastoral libraries across the LCMS Mission Latin America and Caribbean region…
Today the VDMA Project distributed its 44th eBook, Making Christian Counseling More Christ Centered (Haciendo Más Cristocéntrica La Consejería Cristiana) by Dr. Rick Marrs, professor at Concordia Seminary, Saint Louis.

Regarding this volume, which is also available in English, Concordia Seminary professor Dr. Robert Kolb, wrote: “Martin Luther formulated his proclamation of the message of Scripture for his contemporaries between the poles of God’s voice in the pages of the Bible and the needs and afflictions of his hearers and readers. Marrs brings twenty-first century readers into that exchange and demonstrates how Luther’s insights into the gospel of Jesus Christ help bring healing and comfort to those struggling with guilt, shame, fear, loneliness, and other spiritual afflictions in our day. This volume provides those who are engaged in conversation with the troubled and distressed rich resources for fostering peace and joy in the midst of such trouble and distress.”
We thank Dr. Marrs for giving permission to the VDMA Project to translate his text into Spanish for the benefit of Hispanic ministry in both the Latin America and Caribbean region and the United States.
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