The Rev. Charles Ferry, regional director for the Asia Region, stepped into the recording studio to talk about work in India and Malaysia. He shared about some important legal updates with our partner church in India, the India Evangelical Lutheran Church (IELC). He also shared an update from the rebuilding project at Concordia Theological Seminary, Nagercoil, India.

The Lutheran Church — Missouri Synod has also worked with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Malaysia to help build a crisis pregnancy care center in Malaysia. This longstanding project is bearing tremendous fruits for women in Malaysia.
If you would like to support these projects, please contact the LCMS Mission Advancement office at 888-930-4438.
Please consider supporting Pr. Ferry directly. You can also sign up for his newsletter or send him an email.
As always, you can contact me, your host, with any questions or feedback. If you enjoy learning about the work in Asia, please consider supporting me as well. All of these stories are you brought to you through the donations and support of people like you.
Thank you for listening.
A quick thank you to Paul Norris and Sarah Frank for the music today. This recording of “Abide With Me” was played by Paul Norris and Sarah Frank. Paul produced the recording.
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