

Mexico, our southern neighbor, has a population of nearly 130 million people.  The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) began work in Mexico in 1940. In 1968 the Lutheran Synod of Mexico (SLM) became a sister/partner church of the LCMS.

In addition to evangelistic work, in 1987, the LCMS began mercy work in Mexico with a grant for earthquake relief. Since then, dozens of grants have supported human care and disaster response efforts as we walk alongside and provide care for our neighbors in both body and soul. Over the last decade, the LCMS has renewed and strengthened the relationship with the Lutheran Synod of Mexico by focusing on equipping and training church leaders through pastoral and diaconal formation through the support of Concordia the Reformer Seminary in the Dominican Republic, Martin Luther Institute in Mexico, Luther Academy, and the Hispanic Pastoral Formation Program. 


Since 2013, it has been an amazing blessing to witness God at work in Mexico. While there is still much work to be done, there are currently two missionary families serving alongside and supporting the work of the Lutheran Synod of Mexico, and there is now a strong FORO supporting the work with partners who are working together for God’s glory. Seven years ago, there were only three pastors and one deaconess in the SLM. The number of pastors has now tripled, with more than a dozen vicars and seminarians, and 35 deaconess students. Let us give thanks to the Lord of the harvest for sending these workers into the fields of Mexico. We pray especially for these new church workers and those they are reaching in Mexico.


In addition to the work carried out by the LCMS Office of International Mission, many LCMS congregations and ministries are working along the 2,000-mile U.S./Mexico border. Many of these organizations are now strong FORO partners working alongside the LCMS Office of International Mission and the Lutheran Synod of Mexico.

If you would like to learn more about partnering with the work in Mexico or how to become part of the Mexico FORO, please contact: Rev. Arthur Rickman


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Partner Churches

The Lutheran Synod of Mexico (SLM)
Oficina Central: Playa Manzanillo #530
Colonia Militar Marte
Mexico D.F. 8830