Above photo: Brazilian Alliance Missionary Pastor Lucas Elberhardt gives a presentation (Photo: Jana Inglehart)
Story by Deaconess Cheryl D. Naumann, VDMA Project Director
During Advent 2024, when the church focused on the coming of Jesus – both at the moment of His birth and in the last days – the VDMA Project released its very first eBook in Portuguese. Eschatology, written by Dr. John Stephenson, is volume 13 of the Confessional Lutheran Dogmatics series (CLDs) produced by Luther Academy.

The translation of VDMA books into Portuguese began after the Project received a request from Brazilian seminary leaders visiting the Dominican Republic during the orientation of Brazilian pastors who were going to be placed in LCMS mission churches in the Latin America and Caribbean Region. Two more volumes of the CLDs are currently in the translation process.
About 115 of the 420 Lutheran Pastors in LAC who receive VDMA Project eBooks speak Portuguese as their first language. There are also more than 800 pastors in Brazil, not to mention laity, who will benefit from these translations. We thank God for the talent that he has given to many individuals to carry out this important work for His kingdom.
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