Wherever and Whenever: Online Theological Education
Online Zoom class with the Livonia Project – Luther Academy
Mission and Ministry work in Eurasia
Online Zoom class with the Livonia Project – Luther Academy
Finnish Lutherans declare fellowship with LCMS
Livonian Lutheran Project student and mother of three asks to be baptized along with her children
The Latin American and Caribbean field celebrates Pastor David and Shelee Warner and their six and a half years of dedicated missionary service in Spain. Though their departure is bittersweet, we are eager to see how the Lord will use them next.
Today, the Czech Republic has been released from the grip of communism and there are new freedoms; but understandably, there is also residual fear and doubt caused by centuries of upheaval and deception.
(OIM)—EURASIA successfully launched the Livonian Lutheran Project’s first online class
The parishioners of Palanga parish church, member of the Evangelical Luterana Church in Lithuania (ELCL), celebrated this past Ascension Day at their home church adorned with a brand-new crucifix.
Missionary Pr. Joe Asher called to prison ministry in Kaiserslautern, Germany
St. Anne’s Lutheran Church (ELCIR) is a Flourishing Church in the Heart of St. Petersburg, Russia.
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