First VDMA Project eBook in Portuguese!

During Advent 2024, when the church focused on the coming of Jesus – both at the moment of His birth and in the last days – the VDMA Project released its very first eBook in Portuguese.  Eschatology, written by Dr. John Stephenson, is volume 13 of the Confessional Lutheran Dogmatics series (CLDs) produced by Luther Academy.

Happy Birthday, Dr. Luther!

Martin Luther's emphasis on the unique authority of the Bible was a key driving force behind the Reformation. Therefore, it's appropriate that the Spanish translation of the Confessional Lutheran Dogmatics volume on Holy Scripture ('Sagrada Scriptura') was distributed by the VDMA Project on November 10, the anniversary of Luther's birthday.

Community Outreach in Balboa, Panama

The members of Redeemer Lutheran Church in Balboa, Panama, held an eyeglass clinic on Sunday, October 13th, as an outreach to the community. A great team from Redeemer Lutheran Church in Iowa City, Iowa (a stalwart FORO partner), in conjunction with MOST Ministries, traveled to the area to provide their expertise.

Alliance Missionary Walduino Littig

Pastor Walduino Littig is a theological educator in Mexico City, Mexico, where he also serves as an adjunct professor with Concordia the Reformer Seminary in the Dominican Republic, helping to train pastors in Mexico and throughout Latin America.

The Word of the Lord Endures Forever

The translation into Spanish of this third and last volume of Hermann Sasse's letters to pastors is a significant milestone for theological study in Latin America. It completes the collection of Sasse's nearly thirty years of correspondence with Lutheran pastors in Australia, the United States, and around the world. Each letter reflects his passionate commitment to the building up of the Church of Christ on earth and to the Lutheran Confessions.

Unprecedented Floods – The Church Responds

Recent floods in Rio Grande do Sul, the heart of Lutheranism in Brazil, have destroyed churches, schools and homes. The unprecedented torrential rains never seen in the history of the area have resulted in catastrophic loss of life and property destruction.

Abiding in Christ

Thanks to the partnership between GOOD NEWS and the VDMA Project, pastors and seminary students throughout the LAC region have been delighted to receive a new Spanish issue of GOOD NEWS magazine today. “Abiding in Christ” (GN issue #25) is centered on Jesus’ words in John 15:5, 4: I am the vine; you are the branches. Abide in Me, and I in you. Focusing on this theme will help pastors and congregation members in their study of how God’s Word applies to their daily lives as they are branches attached to the vine – as they live as brothers and sisters in Christ – who together, abide in Christ.

New Director at the Helm of Concordia the Reformer Seminary

On Sunday, September 10, Concordia the Reformer Seminary in the Dominican Republic celebrated the installation of her new director, Rev. Sergio Fritzler. Pastors from five countries participated in the special service, with seminarians, missionaries, deaconesses, Dominican Lutheran Church members, Concordia Lutheran school children and faculty joining in the festivities.