

Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod involvement in Peru began in 1997 when the LCMS awarded a grant for flood relief and medical care. In August 2007, an 8.0 magnitude earthquake struck south of Lima killing more than 500 people, injuring more than 1,000 and destroying more 34,410 homes, according to news reports. The towns of Lucumo and Lunahuan were largely overlooked by the government and other relief organizations.

LCMS missionaries traveled to Lima, Lucumo and Lunahuan two weeks after the earthquake to evaluate how they could respond to the people in need. Missionaries handed out Bibles, food and personal hygiene products and received approval from the local government authorities to work there. The LCMS awarded a grant to repair an irrigation system that provides water for families and for crops. 

The Lutheran Mission of Peru grew out of the disaster relief efforts and was established in 2010. It is the umbrella organization for church planting in the country. The mission is served by a seasoned Alliance Missionary Pastor from Brazil and a Peruvian pastor. Together, they serve three growing church plants in Los Olivos, La Victoria, and San Borja, as well as a preaching station.

The faithful Peruvian staff at Castillo Fuerte in La Victoria work alongside Pastor Milagres to share the Gospel and show mercy to the community. There, children receive a daily meal, homework help, emotional support and God’s Word. Each week, Divine Services draw the children with their families and others from the community.

Short-term teams assist with community outreach activities, such as VBS, health clinics and teaching English and music classes in order to build relationships and share the Gospel. The Evangelical Lutheran Church—Peru became a member of the International Lutheran Council in September 2007.


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Students desiring to receive theological education attend Concordia the Reformer Seminary in the Dominican Republic.