The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod began work in Guatemala in 1947. LCMS work focused on seminary education, evangelism and leadership training. In the past, long-term missionaries taught at Christian schools.
In 1976, the LCMS began supporting mercy work in Guatemala with grants for housing, agricultural development and consultation, paramedic training, and building/reconstructing mission properties. Most recently, a grant provided food and roofing materials for Guatemalans affected by a tornado.
Today, the LCMS supports theological education in Guatemala to build up future church leaders and provide ongoing theological education to its pastors and lay leaders. In addition, Pastors and Deaconesses receive training through Concordia the Reformer Seminary in the Dominican Republic.
The Lutheran Church of Guatemala is focused on training leaders, Bible translation and literacy work. Additional emphases include media broadcasting over six radio stations and one television station. Every month, more than 300 people respond to radio and television ministries and more than 300 are enrolled in Bible correspondence courses.
Over the years, The Lutheran Church of Guatemala (LCG) has grown to a baptized membership of approximately 4,200 in 40 congregations and preaching stations and a national staff of 20, including pastors, evangelists, deacons and lay leaders. To assist with mercy work, visitation and teaching women and children, 22 deaconesses graduated in 2022 and are serving the LCG. The church operates one seminary, two preschools, two primary and one secondary school.
Other LCMS organizations that have worked in Guatemala include Lutheran Hour Ministries, Children’s Christian Concern Society and Central America Lutheran Mission Society.
The Lutheran Church of Guatemala is a partner church of the LCMS.
Meet the international team. We have more than 200 missionaries working around the globe.
Partner Churches
A partner church is a church body with whom the LCMS has full altar and pulpit fellowship. Many LCMS partner churches are also members of the International Lutheran council, a worldwide association of confessional Lutheran church bodies. Some LCMS partner churches came into existence through LCMS-supported mission efforts,while others have historic roots that pre-date the LCMS or that are sourced in the mission efforts of other Lutheran church bodies
Lutheran Center for Theological Education
(Centro Luterano De Estudios Teologicos CLET)
More than fifteen years ago, St. John Lutheran in Ellisville, MO began sending short term mission teams to Belize. There, they established relationships that grew and eventually led to the formation of the Belize Mission Society. They sent more short term teams to Belize during the off-season months, because the rates for lodging were less, and the opportunities to serve the locals were greater.
The Belize Mission Society realized they needed a “flip flops on the ground” missionary who could foster the relationships they had established, and build a permanent presence in Belize. In partnership with the Belize Mission Society and other LCMS affiliates, the Belize Mission seeks to plant a new Lutheran church in the country and expand to other locations in Belize.
Outreach includes family Bible study, men’s and women’s Bible study, and vacation Bible school. Mercy ministry includes scholarships for students in Seine Bight and Belmopan, a nutrition program for students at St. Alfonsus School in Seine Bight, Griefshare and hospice programs. The mission society is also working to establish a physical therapy program for the country in general, and dental and health programs for the village of Seine Bight. This new twist on church planting provides opportunity for hands-on participation by teams from the U.S., to soften areas for further evangelism, Bible training and outreach, and multiplies the efforts of our valuable missionary families.