

The first Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod missionary came to Brazil in 1900, attending the request of German immigrants living in Brazil. Seminário Concórdia was established in 1903 and one year later, the Igreja Evangélica Luterana do Brasil (IELB) became a district of the LCMS. In 1980, the IELB became an independent church body and a partner church of the LCMS. The IELB celebrated its 100th anniversary in 2003 and 2004.

In 1989, the LCMS began supporting mercy work in Brazil. The first grant helped special education students finish their high school studies. Since then, dozens of grants from Synod’s mercy arm helped disaster response and human care efforts in Brazil.

The LCMS supports the work of the IELB in mission outreach by planting and constructing buildings for new congregations and in theological education projects. One main mission emphasis is Portuguese-language radio broadcasts on 150 different stations. More than 50,000 responses have been received from listeners and more than 4,000 people are enrolled in Bible correspondence courses. Additional outreach programs include integrated mission centers (schools, medical and dental care), orphanages, elderly care, child day-care centers, deaf schools and hospitals.

The IELB is in full altar and pulpit fellowship with the LCMS.


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Partner Churches

A partner church is a church body with whom the LCMS has full altar and pulpit fellowship. Many LCMS partner churches are also members of the International Lutheran council, a worldwide association of confessional Lutheran church bodies. Some LCMS partner churches came into existence through LCMS-supported mission efforts while others have historic roots that pre-date the LCMS or that are sourced in the mission efforts of other Lutheran church bodies.

Igreja Evangelica Luterana do Brasil

The Rev. Geraldo Walmir Schüler, President

Av. Cel. Lucas de Oliveira, 804
Bairro Bela Vista
90440-010 Porto Alegre, RS

Phone: 55-51-3332-2111

Parishes: 532
Congregations: 1,505
Mission stations: 447
Baptized members: 245,631
Communicant members: 179,235
Pastors: 862


Colleges and seminaries