

Lutheran mission work began in Paraguay in 1938. The Evangelical Lutheran Church of Paraguay (Iglesia Evangélica Luterana del Paraguay) is comprised chiefly of Lutheran immigrants and was officially recognized by Paraguay as a religious body in 1983. Currently, she has some 4300 members in 52 congregations with 13 active pastors. The Evangelical Lutheran Church of Paraguay is in full altar and pulpit fellowship with the LCMS.


Meet the international team. We have more than 200 missionaries working around the globe.

Partner Churches

Iglesia Evangelica Luterana del Paraguay

President: Rev. Alceu Alton Figur

Calle San Roque González/Guillermo Closs 1010

Hohenau, Dep. de Itapúa, Paraguay

Phone: 00595-763-20077



Instituto Biblico Adolfo Dilley–IBAD