Puerto Rico


The LCMS has been involved in Puerto Rico since the 1990s, with work begun by the Ohio District in the western city of Mayagüez, the third largest city in the US Commonwealth of Puerto Rico. There is now an established congregation, Príncipe de Paz (Prince of Peace), with a worship facility and affiliated mercy house in that city.

In 2015, the LCMS sent a missionary to Puerto Rico’s second-largest city, Ponce, resulting in the establishment of a new congregation, Fuente de Vida (Fountain of Life). That congregation also now has its own worship facility and mercy house. 

In response to the hurricanes Irma and Maria in 2017 and then again following massive earthquakes in 2020, LCMS Disaster Response provided critical support for the missions and outreach efforts with each successive disaster. These efforts include support for sharing the Gospel and strengthening congregations through the work of pastors, deaconesses, GEO missionaries, short-term teams, and lay workers. 

In 2022, solar panels were installed at both mercy houses to meet the need for consistent electricity during regular power outages. The mercy houses offer a gathering place to charge devices and find respite from the heat. Our missionaries use the opportunities to build relationships and share the Good News. In addition, worship services and regular outreach classes, such as English and music classes, continue on a regular basis, even when electricity is out across the area.

In the most recent mission expansion, a new congregation, Cordero de Dios (Lamb of God), was established in Bayamón, just west of San Juan, in 2023. The congregation dedicated a new permanent worship facility in that location in the fall of 2024. 

We pray for the young and energetic team of missionaries as they work to Spread the Gospel, Plant Lutheran Churches and Show Mercy across Puerto Rico.


Meet the international team. We have more than 200 missionaries working around the globe.


Men desiring pastoral formation are served by Concordia the Reformer Seminary in the Dominican Republic.