Connecting in Indonesia
Even as the coronavirus pandemic keeps the Rev. Matthew Wood from his mission field in Indonesia, he recently connected through online messaging with Indonesian Christians seeking Lutheran doctrinal guidance and resources.
Even as the coronavirus pandemic keeps the Rev. Matthew Wood from his mission field in Indonesia, he recently connected through online messaging with Indonesian Christians seeking Lutheran doctrinal guidance and resources.
Sandra Rhein is charged with implementing hymnal projects internationally and designing ways to help people utilize those hymnals. She is currently working on projects in Indonesia and China/Taiwan.
Tom and Debi Going have served as LCMS missionaries for over 25 years.
The Rev. Matthew Wood family in Indonesia, focus on language acquisition, hymnal translation into Indonesian and GKLI partner church workshop.
The GKLI welcomed ten new congregations from the island of Mentawai.
The Rev. Matthew Wood discusses his work with the Indonesian Christian Lutheran Church (GKLI).
A photo gallery of the work being done at the Kuamang Kuning congregation of the GKLI.
Watch a short vide on the work of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod in Indonesia and Cambodia.
The Rev. Charles Ferry, Regional Director for the Asia Region shared updates from Convention, Indonesia, and Malaysia.
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