Built on Christ the solid Rock: Recovery and Unity in India
Concordia Theological Seminary in Nagercoil, India, rebuilds solid walls as the IELC rebuilds upon the Word of God at the Pastor’s Refresher Course.
In 1895, The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod began mission work in India — the first “foreign” mission field in the Synod’s history. Over the ensuing decades, the LCMS invested human and financial resources in developing a total Christian ministry of congregations, pastoral training, lay training, school education and human-care ministries. The India Evangelical Lutheran Church (IELC) became an LCMS sister/partner church in 1959. It also is a member of the International Lutheran Council. A large LCMS missionary presence continued until the 1980s. The last full-time LCMS career missionary retired from service in 2003. Nevertheless, the LCMS has continued to offer support for the IELC in these and other areas: complementary funding for church planting, schools, hospitals and other institutions; disaster-relief work (e.g., tsunami relief); theological education through support for Concordia Theological Seminary, Nagercoil; and complementary funding of theological conferences, scholarships and stipends for vicars.
Concordia Theological Seminary in Nagercoil, India, rebuilds solid walls as the IELC rebuilds upon the Word of God at the Pastor’s Refresher Course.
The Rev. Dr. Sam Thompson joins the podcast today to discuss the repairs of buildings at the seminary campus, repairs funded by LCMS Disaster Response.
Watch a short vide on the work of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod in India and Papua New Guinea.
The first phase of reconstruction at Concordia Theological Seminary, Nagercoil, India, is complete.
The Rev. Charles Ferry, Regional Director for the Asia Region stepped into the recording studio to give an update on work in Asia, particularly India and Malaysia.
On Nov. 30, 2017, Cyclone Ockhi hit the southern tip of India near Concordia Theological Seminary, Nagercoil (CTSN), killing 200-plus people and causing over $5 billion in damage to the area, including CTSN.
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