Church Planting in Honduras

reaching in La Paz, Honduras, for years, even during the recent lockdowns. The fruits of his pastoral care and outreach to the community were evident in the overflowing crowd at a recent church dedication. With a capacity of 120, the new sanctuary was packed with worshipers. Dozens more gathered outside the facility to join in the celebration and sing praises to the Lord.

Rapid Response to Hurricanes Eta and Iota

The countries of Belize, Cuba, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua and Panama have been hardest hit by back-to-back hurricanes. Eta made landfall as a category 4 hurricane in Nicaragua on November 3rd, then lingered for two days over Central America before intensifying and moving on to Cuba, where flooding was already a growing problem.

Honduras Mission Update

This time of pandemic has been a new experience for many people worldwide. The social situation and the negative effect that this has caused is a common theme among people. Work restrictions, unemployment, the rising price of food products, the suspension of urban and interurban transport, medicines, and the improvised virtual educational system – these are some of the frequent topics of conversation.

Disaster Response Training for Guatemala and Honduras

Sixty Lutheran pastors and church members from Guatemala and Honduras gathered online for four days of Disaster Response Training last week. Pastor Alejandro Lopez presented the virtual classes from his location in Panama. Missionary Deaconess Cheryl Naumann from the Dominican Republic coordinated the instruction through the Mercy Center, an institute of Concordia the Reformer Seminary in the Dominican Republic.

Honduras FORO Begins with a Bang

The Mercy Center, an institute of Concordia Seminary the Reformer (CMSCR), provides a spectrum of educational conferences, from personal witnessing and Christian reconciliation to family and community health and life issues. Disaster response training throughout the Latin American and Caribbean Region is done under the auspices of the Mercy Center.

Project: Honduras Mission

Born of the Lutheran Church of Canada’s mission in Nicaragua, LCMS and Nicaraguan missionaries ventured into Honduras 20 years ago and began evangelism efforts in Southern and Central Honduras. Congregations in the U.S. began to support and visit the missions and formed a FORO to coordinate the mission efforts.