Moving Forward with VDMA Resources

Our understanding of Jesus Christ – as we confess Him to be Lord and Savior in the second article of the Creed – is well articulated in Christology by David P. Scaer; the sixth volume of the Confessional Lutheran Dogmatics series commissioned by Luther Academy.

The Holy Christian Church

For the first time in two years, the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Panamá hosted a Luther Academy conference. Luther Academy provides continuing theological education courses in intensive formats to strengthen and assist pastors and leaders throughout churches in Latin America and around the world.

Video: Seminary Update from the Dominican Republic

During this time of uncertainty due to the global pandemic, many are in various states of quarantine or isolation from social activity. Our seminary and her students and staff are no different. Seminary Director, Rev. Joel Fritsche, shares some of the ways in which the work continues, and the Gospel goes out even in the midst of this storm. Thanks be to God.

Project: VDMA-Translation Team

VDMA is a Latin acronym that translates, “The Word of the Lord endures forever.” During the Reformation, this motto united Lutherans in solidarity against their adversaries. Five hundred years later, the VDMA Project unites a different group of Lutherans: Spanish-speaking pastors and seminary students throughout Latin America and the Caribbean.