Sacred Music Missionary
Sandra Rhein is charged with implementing hymnal projects internationally and designing ways to help people utilize those hymnals. She is currently working on projects in Indonesia and China/Taiwan.
Sandra Rhein is charged with implementing hymnal projects internationally and designing ways to help people utilize those hymnals. She is currently working on projects in Indonesia and China/Taiwan.
The Rev. Matthew Wood family in Indonesia, focus on language acquisition, hymnal translation into Indonesian and GKLI partner church workshop.
A local Lutheran pastor and LCMS missionaries share a meaningful Christmas celebration with a Taiwanese community and their mayor.
The Rev. Matthew Wood discusses his work with the Indonesian Christian Lutheran Church (GKLI).
The newly remodeled church building for the Evangelical Lutheran Church of the Augsburg Confession in Georgia was dedicated on Pentecost Sunday, May 20, 2018 in Kutaisi, Georgia.
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