The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod began mission work in Cuba (Isle of Pines) in 1911. In 1992, the constitution declared Cuba “secular”, but discrimination against Christians is illegal. In 1993, the LCMS restarted work in Cuba. Today, the LCMS continues to support the Lutheran church in Cuba with theological materials for Cuban leaders and by funding the travel expenses of short-term theological educators.

Project: Cuba Mission

The LCMS first established itself on the Isle of Pines, known today as the Isle of Youth, 31 miles south of the Cuban mainland, in 1911. Current theological projects are aimed at shoring up and encouraging the existing pastorate while also seeking others who desire a theological education.

Rapid Response to Hurricanes Eta and Iota

The countries of Belize, Cuba, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua and Panama have been hardest hit by back-to-back hurricanes. Eta made landfall as a category 4 hurricane in Nicaragua on November 3rd, then lingered for two days over Central America before intensifying and moving on to Cuba, where flooding was already a growing problem.